
Showing posts from March, 2017

Tips to Encourage Babies to Sit up Independently

When babies sit up, it is considered as healthy sign. It is completely natural for a baby to sit up for the first time independently. Generally, babies more than 4 months of age can sit up without help of parents. To teach sitting, many parents help babies to sit up before 4 months of age. Some parents often get concerned, when they find babies do not sit up even after they passed 4 months of age. Well, there is nothing to be concerned if certain babies take more time to sit up. Parents need to help such babies on their sitting process. Give Support at Baby’s Back on Sitting or Standing Posture If your baby has passed 4 months of age and till now baby has not learnt sitting up independently, you can add support to baby’s back to sit or stand. Let the baby to do practice of sitting and standing with your support on daily basis. This will help him or her to learn sitting or standing independently. Encourage Baby to Roll Up Babies often love rolling up after they reach 3 mo...

Reasons for Baby Rolling and Safety Tips

Being a mom for the first time is definitely a heavenly feeling. But, at the same time, you may feel a little tensed as you lack proper experience of managing a baby. Mothers need to learn things gradually, and to advise them senior members of the house are there. In today’s small family structure, a lot of families do not have senior persons. As a result, new mother often lack advises for parenting baby. Babies do a lot of things, and they can be signs of a few things. Do you know when do babies roll over ? When should babies start rolling? When babies roll for the first time, it generally comes as a surprise to the parents. Baby rolling is a healthy sign, and more or less every kid does it. However, some parents do not notice the thing. Even if they notice, they tend to ignore it. If your baby is around 3 months of age, you may soon find him or her to roll on the bed. Some babies take more time to roll, and there is nothing abnormality in that. So, there is no reason t...

Quick Tips for Moms to Take Care of Newly Born Babies

A newborn baby is a heavenly gift for every parent. It is of course a great time for the family, as a small as well as cute member comes to the home. However, along with the fun, parents especially moms should not forget their basic responsibilities. It is important to take care of few things to keep baby healthy as well as protected from a few diseases. Since baby comes to house, many people would come to meet him or her. Moms should be careful on the following things in this regard. Washing Hands Is Mandatory You have to handle Newborn Baby carefully, and you have to make sure that baby stays prevented from any virus or bacterial infections. At tender age, human beings come to the earth with low immunity. As we intake foods and breast milk of mother, we turn healthy as well as energetic. Our immunity level increases at the same time. Till the time we develop natural immunity level, we need to be kept under strong vigilance. Washing hands is necessary for mother a...