When Do Babies Start Crawling?

When did you start crawling as a baby? Well, you never know unless you are told by your parents or the ones that brought you up. You know not how you learnt rolling over, crawling, sitting, standing, walking, talking, and many other things. If you have some experience of parenting or being with babies, you may have some ideas about when babies start kicking their legs, pulling their hands, lifting their heads, and so on. Most babies start crawling when they are 7 to 10 months old. It is certainly a great moment of celebration for the parents as the child achieves a significant milestone. However, it is not an easy task for the baby. Also, for the parents, it is quite a challenging moment.

How crawling can be dangerous at times?

Undoubtedly, babies are the blessings from the Almighty, but it is full of challenging to bring up the babies. The challenge further intensifies When Do Babies Start Crawling. As the baby has started crawling, she will try to reach wherever and whatever she can. This may often lead to injuries and dangers if the surroundings are not childproof. She may reach out to the sharp objects like blades and knives. She does not know whether an open electric wire is dangerous. So, it is of utmost importance for the parents to ensure that the surrounding of the baby is childproof.

Keep your baby safe – Away from danger

One of the things often babies do is to put into mouth whatever comes to their hands. A bottle of pesticide, sleeping pills, or any kind of medicines can throw the life of the baby into dangers if she reaches them. If you are busy with something, the baby may take to the stairs never knowing the outcome. It is certainly a moment of celebration When Do Babies Start Crawling. However, with this, more responsibilities rise for the parents or the one looking after the baby.


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